Aguijón Software Libraries  1.0
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LCD.h File Reference

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void load_custom_character (unsigned char *rows, unsigned char char_num)
void LCDinit ()
void LCDinit2 ()
void LCDwrite (char i)
char * itoa1 (int i, unsigned char *a, int r)
void ClearDisplay (void)
void setCursor (unsigned char position)
void BlinkOn ()
void BlinkOff ()
void goto_xy (int ren, int col)
void DisplayString (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char *m, unsigned char clear)
void LCDIntro ()

Function Documentation

void BlinkOff ( void  )

Function: BlinkOff

Preconditions: Cursor is on valid coordenate.

Overview: Turns cursor blinking ON.

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 246 of file LCD.c.

void BlinkOn ( void  )

Function: BlinkOn

Preconditions: Cursor is on valid coordenate.

Overview: Turns cursor blinking ON.

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 226 of file LCD.c.

void ClearDisplay ( void  )

Function: ClearDisplay

Preconditions: LCD initialized

Overview: Clears the LCD and returns the cursor to (1,0).

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 167 of file LCD.c.

void DisplayString ( unsigned char  x,
unsigned char  y,
unsigned char *  m,
unsigned char  clear 

Function: DisplayString

Preconditions: LCDinitialized.

Overview: Writes a string on the LCD.

Arguments: Position on X, Position on Y, the string that will be sent, Clear before writing.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 286 of file LCD.c.

void goto_xy ( int  x,
int  y 

Function: goto_xy

Preconditions: LCD initialized.

Overview: Sends the cursor to the given coordenates.

Arguments: Position on X, Position on Y.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 207 of file LCD.c.

char* itoa1 ( int  i,
unsigned char *  a,
int  r 

Function: LEDport

Preconditions: None.

Overview: Turns ON/OFF the specified LED output.

Arguments: Physical LED number, Logic State (0-1).

Returns: None.

Definition at line 145 of file LCD.c.

void LCDinit ( void  )

Function: LCDInit

Preconditions: None.

Overview: Initializes the LCD controller (ST7036i) in normal mode.

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 236 of file init.c.

void LCDinit2 ( void  )

Function: LCDInit2

Preconditions: None.

Overview: Initializes the LCD controller (ST7036i) in double line mode.

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 271 of file init.c.

void LCDIntro ( void  )

Function: LCDIntro

Preconditions: LCD initialized.

Overview: Displays custom characters and a little animation.

Arguments: None.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 317 of file LCD.c.

void LCDwrite ( char  text)

Function: LCDWrite

Preconditions: LCD initialized.

Overview: Sends an ASCII string of data to the LCD.

Arguments: String that will be sent.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 266 of file LCD.c.

void load_custom_character ( unsigned char *  rows,
unsigned char  char_num 

Function: load_custom_character

Preconditions: LCD initialized.

Overview: Stores a custom character on an available CGRAM address.

Arguments: Pointer to the stored character,CGRAM address in which it will be stored.

Returns: None.

Definition at line 392 of file LCD.c.

void setCursor ( unsigned char  position)

Function: setCursor

Preconditions: LCD initialized.

Overview: Places cursor to the given coordenates.

Arguments: Physical LED number, Logic State (0-1).

Returns: None.

Definition at line 187 of file LCD.c.